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Supported Formats

filetype format VisiData_loader VisiData saver version_added created creator PyPI dependencies
csv Comma-Separated Values 0.28 displayed text 0.28 1972
json Javascript Object Notation (JSON) 0.28 typed 0.28 2001 Douglas Crockford
tsv Tab-Separated Values 0.28 displayed text 0.28
xlsx Excel spreadsheets 0.28 0.28 1987 Microsoft openpyxl
zip ZIP archive format 0.28 0.28 1989 PKWARE
hdf5 Hierarchical Data Format 0.28 0.28 199x NCSA h5py
sqlite sqlite 0.42 0.42 2000 D. Richard Hipp
xls Excel spreadsheets 0.42 0.42 1987 Microsoft xlrd
fixed fixed width text 0.97 0.97
postgres PostgreSQL database 0.97 0.97 1996
imap Internet Message Access Protocol 2.12 2.12 1988
vd VisiData command log (TSV) 0.97 yes 0.97 2017 VisiData
mbtiles MapBox Tileset 0.98 0.98 2011 MapBox mapbox-vector-tile
pbf Protocolbuffer Binary Format 0.98 0.98 2011 OpenStreetMap
shp Shapefile geographic data 0.98 0.98 1993 ESRI pyshp
html HTML tables 0.99 displayed text 0.99 1996 Dave Raggett lxml
md markdown table displayed text 1.1 2008
png Portable Network Graphics (PNG) image 1.1 from png 1.1 1996 PNG Development Group pypng
ttf TrueType Font 1.1 1.1 1991 Apple fonttools
dot Graphviz diagram from pcap 1.2 1991
dta Stata 1.2 1.2 1985 StataCorp pandas
geojson Geographic JSON 2.2 yes (from shp and geojson) 2008
sas7bdat Statistical Analysis System (SAS) 1.2 1.2 1976 SAS Institute sas7bdat
sav SPSS statistics 1.2 1.2 1968 SPSS Inc
spss SPSS statistics 1.2 1.2 1968 SPSS Inc savReaderWriter
xpt Statistical Analysis System (SAS) 1.2 1.2 1976 SAS Institute xport
jsonl JSON Lines 1.3 typed 1.3 2013 Ian Ward
pandas all formats supported by pandas library 1.3 1.3 2008 Wes McKinney pandas
parquet Apache Parquet 1.3 yes 3.0 2013 Apache Software Foundation pyarrow or pandas
pcap network packet capture 1.3 1.3 1988 LBNL dpkt dnslib
pyprof Python Profile data 1.3 1.3
xml eXtensible Markup Language (XML) 1.3 from xml 1.3 1998 W3C lxml
yaml YAML Ain't Markup Language (YAML) 1.3 1.3 2001 Clark Evans PyYAML
frictionless Frictionless Data 2.0 2.0 OpenKnowledge Institute datapackage
jira JIRA/Confluence table markup displayed text 2.0 Atlassian
npy NumPy array format 2.0 typed 2.0 numpy
tar Unix Tape Archive 2.0 2.0
usv Unicode-Separated Value 2.0 displayed text 2.0 1993 Unicode
xlsb Excel binary format 2.0 2.0 Microsoft xlrd
vdj VisiData command log (JSON) 2.0 yes 2.0 2020 VisiData
mysql MySQL 2.0 1995 MySQL AB MySQLdb
pdf Portable Document Format 2.0 1993 Adobe pdfminer.six
vcf Virtual Contact File (vCard) 2.0 1995 Versit Consortium
rec recutils database file 2.0 displayed text 2010 Jose E. Marchesi
eml Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) 2.0 1996 Nathaniel Borenstein and Ned Freed
vds VisiData Sheet 2.2 yes 2.2 2021 VisiData
ods OpenDocument Spreadsheet 2.7 2006 OASIS odfpy
lsv awk-like key-value line-separated values 2.7 v2.7
arrow Arrow IPC file format 2.9 2016 Apache Software Foundation pyarrow
arrows Arrow IPC streaming format 2.9 2016 Apache Software Foundation pyarrow
vdx VisiData command log (text) 2.11 yes 2.11 2022 VisiData
mailbox All formats supported by mailbox 3.0 1974 mailbox
jrnl CLI journal 3.0 yes 3.0 2012 Micah Jerome Ellison
reddit Reddit API 3.0 2005 praw
matrix Matrix API 3.0 2014 The Foundation matrix_client
zulip Zulip API 3.0 2012 Kandra Labs, Inc zulip
airtable Airtable API 3.0 2012 pyairtable
orgmode Emacs Orgmode format 3.0 yes 3.0 2003 Carsten Dominik
s3 Amazon S3 paths and objects 3.0 2006 Amazon s3fs
fec Federal Election Commission 3.0 Federal Election Commission fecfile
f5log Parser for f5 logs 3.0 f5
toml Tom's Obvious Minimal Language 3.0 Tom Preston-Werner tomllib
conll CoNLL annotation scheme 3.0 Conference on Natural Language Learning pyconll
grep grep command-line utility 3.1 1973 AT&T Bell Laboratories

Extra notes about formats

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