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VisiData Case Study #1 released on Youtube

By Saul Pwanson

[originally published as TinyLetter #8]

Hello everyone,

Welcome all you new subscribers! Thank you for your emails, issue submissions, and for spreading the VisiData love around. One of the more frequent comments I've gotten, is that people really enjoy using VisiData, but feel like they're only taking advantage of a small fraction of what it has to offer. So I'm starting to create a new video series to help people get the most out of VisiData.

The first video, released today (no joke!), is a 5 minute case study, which takes a list of donations from a webpage and transforms it into a columnar form that is convertible into USD and easily summed. It was just a trivial curiosity I had a few weeks ago, which would not be worth investigating unless it were as easy as VisiData makes it. But since it was so easy, I thought I would capture the steps and demonstrate how you can replicate the results for yourself.

See the video here:

In the video, I mention a USD() function which converts arbitrary currency amounts into USD at today's rates. It's not that much code, and I will probably include it in a snippets directory at some point, but if you'd like a private preview, email me and I'll send it to you.

I'm planning to make more of these videos, so also let me know if you have a request for some feature or workflow that you'd like covered!

Happy VisiDating,

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