Source code for visidata.indexsheet

from visidata import vd, VisiData, BaseSheet, Sheet, Column, AttrColumn, ItemColumn, setitem, asyncthread

[docs]class IndexSheet(Sheet): 'Base class for tabular sheets with rows that are Sheets.' guide = ''' # Index Sheet This is a list of sheets from `{sheet.source}`. - `Enter` to open {sheet.cursorRow} - `g Enter` to open all selected sheets ''' rowtype = 'sheets' # rowdef: Sheet columns = [ Column('name', getter=lambda c,r: r.names[-1], setter=lambda c,r,v: setitem(r.names, -1, v)), AttrColumn('rows', 'nRows', type=int, width=9), AttrColumn('cols', 'nCols', type=int), AttrColumn('keys', 'keyColNames'), AttrColumn('source'), ] nKeys = 1 def newRow(self): return Sheet('', columns=[ItemColumn('', 0)], rows=[]) def openRow(self, row): return row # rowdef is Sheet def getSheet(self, k): for vs in self.rows: if == k: return vs def addRow(self, sheet, **kwargs): super().addRow(sheet, **kwargs) if not self.options.load_lazy and not sheet.options.load_lazy: sheet.ensureLoaded() @asyncthread def reloadSheets(self, sheets): for vs in vd.Progress(sheets): vs.reload()
class SheetsSheet(IndexSheet): columns = [ AttrColumn('name'), AttrColumn('type', '__class__.__name__'), AttrColumn('pane', type=int), Column('shortcut', getter=lambda c,r: getattr(r, 'shortcut'), setter=lambda c,r,v: setattr(r, '_shortcut', v)), AttrColumn('nRows', type=int), AttrColumn('nCols', type=int), AttrColumn('nVisibleCols', type=int), AttrColumn('cursorDisplay'), AttrColumn('keyColNames'), AttrColumn('source'), AttrColumn('progressPct'), # AttrColumn('threads', 'currentThreads', type=vlen), ] precious = False nKeys = 1 def reload(self): self.rows = self.source def sort(self): self.rows[1:] = sorted(self.rows[1:], key=self.sortkey) class GlobalSheetsSheet(SheetsSheet): #1620 def sort(self): IndexSheet.sort(self) @VisiData.lazy_property def sheetsSheet(vd): return SheetsSheet("sheets", source=vd.sheets) @VisiData.lazy_property def allSheetsSheet(vd): return GlobalSheetsSheet("sheets_all", source=vd.allSheets) @Sheet.api def nextRow(sheet, n=1): sheet.cursorRowIndex += n sheet.checkCursor() return sheet.rows[sheet.cursorRowIndex] # cursorRow itself might be cached vd.addCommand('S', 'sheets-stack', 'vd.push(vd.sheetsSheet)', 'open Sheets Stack: join or jump between the active sheets on the current stack') vd.addCommand('gS', 'sheets-all', 'vd.push(vd.allSheetsSheet)', 'open Sheets Sheet: join or jump between all sheets from current session') BaseSheet.addCommand('g>', 'open-source-next', 'vd.replace(openSource(source.nextRow())) if isinstance(source, IndexSheet) else fail("parent sheet must be Index Sheet")', 'open next sheet on parent index sheet') BaseSheet.addCommand('g<', 'open-source-prev', 'vd.replace(openSource(source.nextRow(-1))) if isinstance(source, IndexSheet) else fail("parent sheet must be Index Sheet")', 'open prev sheet on parent index sheet') IndexSheet.addCommand('g^R', 'reload-selected', 'reloadSheets(selectedRows or rows)', 'reload all selected sheets') # when diving into a sheet, remove the index unless it is precious SheetsSheet.addCommand('gC', 'columns-selected', 'vd.push(ColumnsSheet("all_columns", source=selectedRows))', 'open Columns Sheet with all visible columns from selected sheets') SheetsSheet.addCommand('z^C', 'cancel-row', 'cancelThread(*cursorRow.currentThreads)', 'abort async thread for current sheet') SheetsSheet.addCommand('gz^C', 'cancel-rows', 'for vs in selectedRows: cancelThread(*vs.currentThreads)', 'abort async threads for selected sheets') SheetsSheet.addCommand('Enter', 'open-row', 'dest=cursorRow; vd.sheets.remove(sheet) if not sheet.precious else None; vd.push(openRow(dest))', 'open sheet referenced in current row') vd.addGlobals(IndexSheet=IndexSheet, SheetsSheet=SheetsSheet, GlobalSheetsSheet=GlobalSheetsSheet)